Extra Virgin Olive Oil – the liquid gold!

etichetta_olioI have been fortunate with my vineyards at Etna. These small plots do not only portray excellent old vines, but also numerous beautiful olive trees.  A few of these great old trees grow at Bocca D’Orzo. They surround and guard the vineyard and produce very fine olives of the varieties Nocellara etnea, Biancolilla,and Frantoiana.


At the little plot of  isolated land up north that make up the vineyard Passo Cannone I am also blessed with olive trees. Here they are planted more systematically, and almost make up for a little olive grove that leads up to the vineyard, and the little house that overlooks it.



The trees seem old and wild, yet they produce the most delicate and tasteful olives. We hand harvest the olives end November – beginning December. The olives are collected and kept separate according to from what tree and when they have been picked. The olives are separated from the leafs,  and are taking to the Frantoio within the same day of picking. Here they are washed in cold water and then undergo a cold-pressing process to extract the oil. After analysis and extensive tastings we conclude what to blend and bottle, and what to discard.


The final product is a very light and refined Extra Virgin Olive Oil with fresh aroma of citrus, and red and green basil. It is soft and rounded on the palate with hints of lemon zest, and fresh green spring herbs.


And how does one COOK with this unique golden liquid?

Well, use your senses, and let them guide you. Sense the aromas, the flavors and use your imagination.

I find that the oil serves well as an appetizer simply with bread or fresh vegetables, or drizzled over a tomato salad. Also, due to its fine aromas and lack of bitterness, it is a great accompaniment to steamed or grilled fish.

Variety: Nocellara etnea, Biancolilla, and Frantoiana

Total Acidity: < 0,5%

Harvest: manually

Processing: cold press by mechanical means the same day of picking

Profile: aromas of citrus, red and green basil. Soft and round on the palate, hints of lemon zest, and fresh green spring herbs.

Pairing: bruschetta, fresh vegetables and salads. The fine aromas and lack of bitterness makes it great also drizzled over steamed or grilled fish.